the 2000s

Einar Nielsen


Robin Engelman, former member of Nexus, Canada,

Just before we left for Finland, I was finally able to meet Einar Nielsen, the interesting and ebullient percussionist who played Maurizio Kagel’s “Faites votre jeu I/II” from “Sonant”, during the Stockholm Days of Percussion hosted by Kroumata in 1998. Einar’s performance had impressed me deeply and I had promised myself that I would do everything possible to meet him if I ever returned to Sweden. As arranged, Einar brought a score for the work and, over a light repast in a local restaurant, graciously  explained to me how he’d played the piece.

Bah sculpture 2001

Used by Märtha Schéele, soprano, at "Nya riktningar", 2001, at the premiere of "Bah" for solovoice by Einar Nielsen, text from James Joyce’ "Ulysses".

The Balloon Orchestra 2012

The Academy of Music and Drama

Miriam Castañón

Martin Skoog

Angelina Mangs

Joakim Spogardh

Adam Lindén

Jonatan Tikas